Stainless Steel Tank Manways, also named manholes or mandoors, some customer call hatchs.
Shuangzhan machinery (newtekindustry) round non-pressure and pressure manways, rectangular manways and elliptical manways, the eliptical manways can be inward or outward open. All of our manways are heavy duty type with high polish, every fittings on the manways are heavy duty, not poor and weak type. Such as non-pressure manhole, most factories use 1mm plate as cap, we use 2mm-3mm, welding neck is 3mm. Not polish, but also strong welding, the most important we use lathe to cut the welding neck to avoid notch.
Pressure Manways
Tank pressure manways are available in stainless steel SS304 or SS316 (some are special order). Depending on the size of your tank, your tank manway will be either top or side mounted. Rectangular manways are commonly side mounted in mash tuns to facilitate the removal of grain. Elliptical manways are often found on brite beer tanks and fermenters, and offer both an inward and outward swinging door. Shadowless manways are designed to be mounted flush with the exterior of the tanks, thus creating no interior protrusions, or a lip inside, where unsanitary conditions can build up; they are recommended instead of their oval counterparts. Round manways are simply designed to be an access port for pressurized brewing systems. The maximum manway pressure rating is 60 PSI, but all manways are tested at 70 PSI.
Non-Pressure Manholes
Non-pressurized tank manholes are available in SS304 or SS316 (as special order). Their primary application is to make the liquid in the tank accessible, allow checking of liquid levels, while still retaining control over the head-space atmosphere of the tank - manholes do seal and prevent air exchange, but are not designed to withstand the stronger pressure like tank manways. Manholes are mounted on top of the tank above liquid level with the size depending on the condition application: larger for ease of adding solids, or smaller for adding liquids or powders.
Diameter: 150mm-800mm for round manways. 150x250mm, 350x450mm, 430x330mm, 530x430mm of square manways, 430x330mm, 530x330mm of oval manways.
Height: 75mm, 80mm, 100mm etc.